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Travel Vaccine Schedules

Travel Vaccine Schedules

Travel Vaccine Schedules

Don’t travel abroad without ensuring you have had the right vaccines. Unlike other clinics , we do not charge any booking or consultation fees(Nomad £25, Citydoc £20)

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Redwood Pharmacy provides  easy access to expert travel advice. Our experienced team of  pharmacists are trained to provide the latest information directly tailored to your individual travel needs.

Disease Name of Travel Vaccine Schedule Booster
Diphtheria Tetanus, Polio Vaccine REVAXIS Single dose if vaccinated as a child.
If never vaccinated 0,1 and 2 months
10 years
Hepatitis A Vaccine AVAXIM 1 DOSE 2nd dose 6-12 months later will give 25 years immunity
Typhoid vaccine TYPHIM Vi Single dose 3 years
Yellow Fever Vaccine STAMARIL Single dose Life long

Certificate valid for life.
Hepatitis B vaccine ENERGIX B 0,7,21 days and 12 months
0,1,2, 12 months,
0,1, 6 months
Single booster 5 years after primary immunization may be required for those at high risk or occupational risk
Rabies Vaccine RABIES BP/
0,7, 21/28 days or rapid schedule day 0, day 3, day 7 and 4th dose at 12 months Booster doses depend on risk. For travellers-1 year after completion of standard schedule.
For occupational or high risk-depends on antibody levels.
Cholera vaccine DUKORAL 2 doses at 0 and 1-6 weeks for adults and children over 6 years.
3 doses at day 0, 1-6 weeks and 3rd dose 1-6 weeks after 2nd dose for children 2-6 years.
2 years for adults and children over 6 years
6 months for children 2-6 years
Meningitis ACWY Vaccine Nimenrix or Menveo 1 dose Unknown
(5 years Hajj)
Japanese Encephalitis vaccine IXIARO 0, 28 days or rapid schedule 0, 7 days 12-24 months depending on risk.
Hepatitis A/B Combined Travel vaccine TWINRIX 0,1,6 months
0,7,21 days and 12 months
Booster of Hepatitis B 5 years if at high risk.
Booster Hepatitis A at 6-12months lasts 25 years
Dengue fever Qdenga 2 doses , 3 months apart for over 4years old  

Standard Travel Vaccine Recommendations

Our recommended vaccines for the most common travel destinations outside of Europe includes Hepatitis A, Typhoid and Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio (DTP) vaccines.

For travellers who are visiting the developing world on a regular basis or for prolonged periods of time, we would recommend considering hepatitis B vaccine.

Cholera is worth considering for travellers visiting rural areas of developing countries. The vaccine against cholera (Dukoral) also reduces the risk of the most common form of traveller’s diarrhoea caused by E coli. Dukoral is an oral vaccine given in two doses one week apart.