Vaccines , No booking fee to pay
As well as our core Travel Vaccinations service, we also provide a full range of specialist vaccines.Please note we do not charge any booking or consultation fees unlike other clinics (Nomad £25, Citydoc £20 and ADDITIONAL PERSONS £10 EACH. Follow up visits for 2nd dose , another £10!! per person)
These include:
- Shingles Vaccines – Suitable for adults over 50 years of age. Single vaccine dose.
- Chickenpox Vaccinations – for anyone above 12 months of age. Two Dose Course separated by one month.
- Human Papilloma Virus Vaccination – Given as a schedule of three doses over 6 months. For both Men and Woman for all ages.
- Private Immunity Blood tests including MMR/ Chickenpox and Hepatitis B.
- Private Covid Vaccination for individuals 12 years and over - Available NOW!
The service includes a Covid vaccine currently licensed for private use from Pfizer (our price £89) . Compare our price with BOOTS (£99)
Arexvy is a new vaccination designed to protect against lower respiratory tract disease caused by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). It is an important advance, because no specific treatment for RSV is available, and infection is often severe.It is a single dose and protects for two winter seasons.Our price £230 .( Boots price - £245)
The service is suitable for anyone who’s either:
• Aged 60 years and above
Abrysvo®▼ (respiratory syncytial virus vaccine (bivalent, recombinant)) £289
What is Abrysvo and what is it used for?
Abrysvo is a vaccine to prevent lung (respiratory tract) disease caused by a virus called respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Abrysvo is given to:
pregnant individuals to protect their infants from birth through 6 months of age. A single dose vaccination, from 28 weeks of pregnancy.
Dengue Fever, a mosquito-borne viral infection that poses a significant health risk in many tropical and subtropical regions. This day-time feeding mosquito; favours urban areas and areas of open water e.g. items filled with rainwater; water in ponds, ditches.
A vaccine is available to reduce the risk of contracting dengue. This is available for use in the UK for patients aged over 4 years, travelling to endemic infected areas for an extended period of time. Each patient needs to be individually assessed for the risk, before administration to ensure the use follows current clinical guidelines.You will need 2 doses, 2nd dose administered 3 months after 1st dose
The dengue vaccine is a live vaccine developed from dengue virus type 2 (DENV2) serotype. This provides protection in sero-positive patients against serotypes 1,2,3 and 4.
The Qdenga vaccine does not require blood testing before vaccination and can be used from the age of 4 years.
This vaccine should be considered for travellers going to countries with an indicated high risk of dengue; seropositive travellers returning home, and long-term travellers to countries with a risk of dengue.Dengue is commonly found in tropical and subtropical regions, including parts of Southeast Asia, the Western Pacific, Latin America, and Africa.
Contraindicated in immunosuppression and HIV conditions
Contraindicated in both pregnancy and breastfeeding
What Travel Vaccinations Do We Offer? -
1. Cholera
2. Hepatitis A
3. Hepatitis B
4. Japanese Encephalitis
5. Meningitis ACWY
6. Rabies(Available )
7. Tick borne encephalitis
8. Typhoid
9. Yellow fever